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The Glimpse is a compilation of poems written by the author since his high school years up to the present. It is divided into two sections, English and Filipino. This literary compilation is intended for young readers who love to appreciate poetry. The Filipino section is literally written to entertain and inspire the readers with the way the literary pieces were written. 
This compilation is inspired by many acclaimed literary works written by famous authors like Robert Frost, Scott Peck and many others. It is a product of the writer�s vivid imagination and his being an introvert type of a person. Most of the time, he isolates himself and in solitude he would grab a pen and start scribbling his thoughts until near dawn. 
When this writer joined the Department of Education as classroom teacher in the third grade, he noticed that his students love to read Filipino poems whose lines have rhymes and a story to tell. For quite some time he was observing the same scenario with his students, it was when he started composing Filipino poems that the students love to recite and read. Years passed by and his works piled up and his colleagues had the chance to read some of the poems and then prodded him to have them compiled and look for a publishing company that will accept and publish them. At first, he was reluctant to go with the idea because he was not sure if the readers will like his work once it is already out in book stores. What gave him enough courage to do so was the joy he saw from his students� faces while reading his literary work. And so, the Glimpse was made and it was intended for the young readers after all.


SKU: 9789355971067
₱357.00 Regular na Presyo
₱349.86Sale Price
  • Ruel Balquin Gracela
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